Celebrate Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

Celebrate Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

Each year, April 30th is Adopt a Shelter Pet Day. In order to raise awareness for this holiday, the team at Homeward Bound has compiled a list of reasons why adopting an animal from a shelter is a great move when looking for your newest family member.

You are Saving Pet Lives

According to the Humane Society of the United States, 2.7 million dogs and cats are euthanized each year due to the lack of people looking to adopt a shelter pet. There are too many animals and too few interested homes even though these animals are healthy and ready for a new start.

If those looking for a new family member turned to shelters instead of breeders or pet stores, the euthanasia rate could be drastically reduced.

In addition, when you adopt, you are not only saving the life of the animal you bring home, you are saving the life of the next animal who will fill that kennel, as well as, contributing funds towards better lives for the other pets in the facility.

Adopting animals truly makes you a hero!

You Will Be Adopting a Great Animal

A sizable amount of the dogs and cats who enter shelters across the country are there through no fault of their own. Some are strays while others were surrendered by the owners due to a move, a decline in the health of a member of the family, etc. This being said, many of these animals are already used to being in homes or they already have some level of training. This can possibly save you from the time and energy spent on house training, socialization, and basic manners. While not all animals are ready made, shelter pets usually have a head start in these areas.

You are Saving Money

When you adopt an animal, the adoption fee covers the price of the spay or neuter (which is helping fight overpopulation), the initial vaccinations, and sometimes even the cost of microchipping. If you were to acquire an animal from a breeder or a pet store, these costs are usually not included and the sale price tends to be much higher anyway.

You are Saving Money

In addition, the money spent on a dog from a pet store or online usually is going back to support a puppy mill in which the animals are kept in very poor conditions as their sole purpose is to be bred and produce offspring. These dogs are usually unhealthy and have behavioral problems throughout their lives. The only way to stop puppy mills forever is to no longer support them meaning that no money will get back to them for their animals. Rescue groups are working to save these dogs, but puppy mills will continue to produce more pets if they have the funds.

You are Changing This Animal’s Life for the Better

You are Changing This Animal’s Life for the Better

Shelter pets are homeless and in these facilities because they are unwanted often through no fault of their own. By taking one into your house, you are immensely improving their situation and showing them that they are cared for and loved. There is nothing better than seeing the reaction from your newest animal when they realize that you are their forever home!

Thank you so much for reading and helping us celebrate Adopt a Shelter Pet Day! If you have adopted an animal and would like to share your success story below, we would love to hear from you! If you are interested in adopting and are from the Lakes Region, visit a local animal shelter such as the New Hampshire Humane Society located on Meredith Center Road in Laconia, NH.

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